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"I read somewhere, "Persist, even if the world calls it doing evil –
as it is most likely they will. Persistence will win out." Show me a published
writer, and I will show you a person who has kept on writing in spite
of every obstacle. He has found time to write. He hasn’t let rejection
stop him. Or poverty. Or writer’s block. Or people saying he shouldn’t write
about that sort of thing. No matter what happens, he keeps turning
out the stuff. Because he’s a writer. It’s what he does.
So he does it.
He persists.
And through the persistence, he succeeds" -

‘All-Wound Up’ is a one-stop-shop for all things lewd and twisted. It pushes the boundaries of taste until we’re standing ankle deep in blood and filth and wondering what the hell just happened.
Gut-churningly depraved fun from start to finish. You’ll love it! - Chris Hall, DLS Reviews
David Owain Hughes
Same rigmarole every night:
Tucked in, kissed on the head,
Lights out, door closed to ajar,
A sliver of light. Dilated pupils and a
Hammering heart – regrets of
Not playing nice.
The lid creaks up -
Moving in the creeping shadows -
Shapes on the walls
Of the clown leading the hunt
Followed by Green Berets
With bayonets fixed.
This time they shall have blood.
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